Our Services

We provide complete protection of your gold and other precious metals valuables.

Security & Storage
Security & Storage

We provide high security storage facility for the safekeeping of your gold and other precious metals valuables.

Mineral Trading & Refining Services
Mineral Trading & Refining Services

We organize the sale of gold for remelting of 96% quality and higher and also use modern refining facilities to deliver the highest purity of gold recovered by mining companies.

Mineral Logistics & Assaying Services
Mineral Logistics & Assaying Services

We provide transportation of precious mineral like gold on behalf of our customers and ensure effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery.
We also offer testing methods are according to South Africa's ISO/IEC 17025 Mineral Standards.

Who We Are

Rand Gold Vault Company is the most highly accredited Gold storage firm in South Africa.

Gold Trading
Gold Trading
Security & Storage Services
Security & Storage Services
Mineral Expert Advisory
Mineral Expert Advisory

Client Testimonials

What our Clients are saying about Us

I receive a day-to-day information on my gold storage vault anytime I log into my account. It’s that kind of thing that makes it special to us and why we value the relationship so much. They go above and beyond what you’d normally expect.

Gary Anderson
Gary Anderson CEO - DGCX

At Rand Gold Vault Company, they understand that their high-end clients require specialised services and investment platforms. It’s why I come to secure my gold valuables and other precious metal trading with them.

Xanthe Vaughan Williams
Xanthe Vaughan Williams Director - Fourth Day PR

At Rand Gold Vault Company, they offer and provide highly secured safe vault accounts that are under constant surveillance in order to meet all our clients expectations. Their Facility is monitored 24/7 using a state of the art security system and a two-stage entry system. Which I can confidently say your gold valuables are always safe with them since they offer all-risks high value contents insurance for a total peace of mind. With their Bullion Vault, only you know the contents of your vault and access to it.

Jabulani Khambule
Jabulani Khambule General Manager - Regional Airports, SA

Recent Updates

Our latest news

Vault check system update

We are pleased to inform all our clients that our system have been updated, thus, gold owners who are not necessarily depositors can now have their own personal accounts login credentials to check their gold vaults without using their depositors login credentials.

Moreover, our gold vault check panel now has both the depositor and gold owners information displayed.

RG Vault, your gold storage security, our priority…

How we protect your Gold

The vaults are labelled with unique serial numbers to each customer and the contents of their box will always remain the property of that customer. It would always be illegal for any third-party, including staffs, to access a customer’s box and or to sell the contents. The legal jargon is that all customers have “Tenant Rights”. So in the very unlikely event that anything should happen to all customers would be immediately contacted and advised of what to do next. We also offer fully comprehensive insurance on your vaults options.