Vault check system update

We are pleased to inform all our clients that our system have been updated, thus, gold owners who are not necessarily depositors can now have their own personal accounts login credentials to check their gold vaults without using their depositors login credentials.

Moreover, our gold vault check panel now has both the depositor and gold owners information displayed.

RG Vault, your gold storage security, our priority…

How we protect your Gold

The vaults are labelled with unique serial numbers to each customer and the contents of their box will always remain the property of that customer. It would always be illegal for any third-party, including staffs, to access a customer’s box and or to sell the contents. The legal jargon is that all customers have “Tenant Rights”. So in the very unlikely event that anything should happen to all customers would be immediately contacted and advised of what to do next. We also offer fully comprehensive insurance on your vaults options.