Rand Gold Vault Company provides complete protection of your gold and other precious metals valuables. Our services include Security & Storage, Mineral Trading & Refining Services, Mineral Logistics & Assaying Services as well as RG Vault Gold online sales. With excellent services, our knowledgeable and well experienced team will guide you through the most beneficial ways to ensure your asset growth.

Security & Storage

We provide high security storage facility for the safekeeping of your gold and other precious metals valuables.

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Mineral Trading & Refining Services

We organize the sale of gold for remelting of 96% quality and higher and also use modern refining facilities to deliver the highest purity of gold recovered by mining companies.

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Mineral Logistics & Assaying Services

We provide transportation of precious mineral like gold on behalf of our customers and ensure effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery. We also offer testing methods are according to South Africa's ISO/IEC 17025 Mineral Standards.

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